Friday, June 29, 2012

A Hug Each Day Keeps The Monsters Away

I can't help it.  All I wanna do when she's in my arms is kiss her.  And kiss her all over.  On her neck, on her chubby little thighs, and her sweet cheeks....everywhere!  And sometimes, I just wanna sqoosh in a big bear hug.    That's Addy, my mischievious, little 19 month old.  

Then there's her big brother, by 7 years.  When Isaac was about Addy's age and just beginning to talk, he'd waddle right up to us, stretch out his little arms, tilt his head way back to make eye contact with us and with a really pitiful look on his face and those puppy dog eyes, he'd say, "Hold you, mommy.  Hold you."  Ahhhhh, my heart would just melt.  And then what else could I do, but swoop him up in my arms and squeeze him as tight as I could.  

What happens to touch as we grow up?  Why is that as we progressively get older, we get less and less physical touch in our lives?  Is it because we aren't as cute anymore?  Maybe our skin is a little rougher?  Or is it because our society has made it into a dirty, bad thing?  

Why do we have personal space boundaries?  Are we protecting ourselves from harm or are we putting up a wall between us and that other person?  

When I was a pre-teen, my big sister and I used to hold hands when we were at the mall together.  It's a memory I treasure.  But then something happened, and at some point I realized "Oh no, do people think I'm her girlfriend?"    After that, I stopped holding her hand in public.  Was that right of me?  Should I stop showing my love to my sister in public, just because someone might think our relationship is something other than sisterhood?  

When was the last time you ruffled somebody's hair or gave them a gentle rub on the shoulder or back?  Even a simple touch like these can boost someone's confidence level and make them feel appreciated and well loved. I'm afraid, in this age where inappropriate touch is prevalent we have gotten away from the true intended meaning of a simple touch. Pure touch.  Touch that is simple and kind and caring.  Touch that communicates love.  

Also, don't be afraid to ask someone if they could use a hug.  You know who they are.  You can see it in their face.  Just a that awkward moment, when they turn their eyes away and say, "I'm fine."  Reach out, touch them.  Take your hand and place it on their shoulder and tell them, "I care.  And if you need a hug, I'm willing to give you one.  No strings attached."  

A hug brings about hope. 

There are people in our everyday lives who have not felt physical touch in days, weeks, even months.  And they are desperate.  They need someone to bring them hope.  

Will you step outside of your comfort zone today and give someone a hug?  

Ecclesiastes 3 says, 
"There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under heaven.....
a time to scatter stones and a time to gather them, 
and a time to refrain..."  

Wednesday, June 13, 2012's a four letter word

Given the choice, I would choose the New Testament over the Old Testament in a heartbeat.  This morning was no different.  But something or Someone nudged me to randomly open the Bible to the Old Testament for a change of pace.  Immediately my eyes fell on a verse that I must have read before.  It was already underlined.

Now choose life, so that you and your children may live and that you may love the Lord your God, 
listen to his voice, and hold fast to him.  For the Lord is your life.  
Deuteronomy 30: 19-20

Ok, be honest.  How many of you thought about the Abortion Movement when you read that?  I did. Man, it just screams God is pro-life.  And I believe in my heart He is.  But that's not what this devotion is about.  

Re-read the verse again.  Slowly.  
  • When you are depressed and want to give up.  Choose life. 
  • When you are in the McDonald's Drive Thru picking out a quick breakfast.  Choose life. 
  • When you are sick as a dog and are avoiding a visit to the doctor.  Choose life.  
  • When a coworker says, "Hey, you wanna go out to to lunch?" and you know it'll throw your account into overdraft.  Choose life.
  • When you thought you were finished having children and then all of the sudden, "oops!"  Choose life. 
  • When you wanna take a razor blade to your wrist because you are desperate to just feel something, anything.  Choose life.  

So that you and your children may live.  

When I choose life, not only does it benefit me, but it benefits my children and family.  It also opens me up to more blessings.

  1. A deeper love of the Lord. Mmmm, now that is sweet!   
  2. Hearing the voice of the Almighty God of the Universe. How cool is that!
  3. And a faith built on a firm foundation.  Finally peace and security.

So, come on. Be a little selfish. 
Choose life.

As always, sometimes we need a little help remembering daily to "Choose Life." 
I'd love to help you find the perfect inspiration to help keep you on track.  
Uppercase Living brings the incredible expressiveness of words into homes, 
transforming them into more wonderful places to live.
Visit my Uppercase Living Website:

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

God Works For The Good of Those Who Love Him

A dear friend asked me earlier today, 
"What's been happening in your life since changing full time jobs?"  

As I began to share one thing after another, I was blown away by God's love and faithfulness to me.  I though it would be healthy to share how great our God is in my blog.  Although this is more of a testimony than a devotional, I think it will be inspiring all the same.

  1. My husband Chris and I have switched home churches.  We are now worshipping God in a new and refreshing way.  Hearing God's word from a new perspective.  We are really enjoying Destiny Church in Town & Country.  If you are looking for a solid, God honoring church, I encourage you to check out their website.
  2. In March, our sweet baby girl Addy was dedicated the the Lord in our new church.
  3. In April, Isaac decided he was ready to be baptized. It was very powerful and moving.
  4. The Lord has been leading me to encourage women through writing devotionals in this blog. I'm not the most articulate writer, but I'm growing and developing this skill.  I write from my heart.  Which is why I have entitled my blog "A Glimpse Into My Heart"   I'd love for you to follow my blog and hopefully draw closer to the Lord through its words.
  5. Although my departure from my last job was shocking and sudden, the Lord knew what was going on and had things lined up for me beautifully. The first day I left my beloved job, I told no one except my husband and mom. Probably just in sheer shock and because I couldn't stop crying. The next day, I gathered myself, sat in front of the computer all day long (applying for unemployment, developing my resume, applying for a few jobs). I spoke to no one. Then, at 2:30pm, I went to pick my son, Isaac up from school. On my way, I received a text message from one of the volunteers I served with at the radio station asking me, "Do you know any volunteers with a servants heart and good computer skills that might want to work in the church office with my mom full time?"   I was in astounded, I thought "Did she know I wasn't working for the radio station anymore?  Is this a cruel joke?" After calling her, I found out she had no idea I wasn't working there anymore. For months, she and her mom had been praying for God to bring the right person into West County Assembly of God to help her in the church office.  So, long story short, I had a new job within 4 days.  Don't miss this God moment!   In today's awful economy, I had a full time job, serving the Lord within just 4 DAYS!!!!!  All glory to God. I can't testify enough of how loving and caring our God is. This really showed me how true Romans 8:28 is.
  6. Once again, God has provided the full funding for my son, Isaac to stay at Twin Oaks Christian School for the 2012-2013 school year. This is truly a miracle because it is very rare that students are awarded full scholarships and there is no way we would be able to afford to send him to this great Christian school.  God's generosity just keeps flowing.   If you are looking for a great place to send your child to get a strong, faith building education, I highly recommend Twin Oaks.
  7. Another way, I have been feel God's presence is through my part time business with Uppercase Living.  I sell vinyl lettering and decor for homes, cars, offices, etc.  The wording is powerful and encouraging.  All the designs are very professional looking and welcoming. This new business keeps me in contact with woman I love and introduces me to new woman I can minister to through my business.   Many photos from this blog are from the designs and inspiring quotations I sell.  

So maybe you didn't exactly ask me the question, but thanks for caring about how I am doing. The whole process of leaving a job I loved and adored  hasn't been easy. And I admit to still trying to work through some of the difficult feelings. But I am clinging to God and growing leaps and bounds. I appreciate you.

May you know the Lord Jesus Christ deeply loves you and has a special plan for you.  He knows your future, even when you do not.  He is always working FOR you, not against you.  He has got it all under control.  He is the all-powerful, all-mighty, all-consuming God of the universe.  And He is working on your behalf, ALL- THE- TIME!  Even when you do not feel it. Even when you do not see it.  Even in the midst of the chaos and the tears and the turmoil and the angst.  God loves you.  And He is actively pursuing you and working on your behalf.

And we know that in all things 
God works for the good of those who love him,
who have been called according to his purposes.  
~ Romans 8:28

Sleeping beauty, Addy on a recent road trip.   She is 19 months old now.

8 year old, Isaac always up for a good time and ready to enjoy life.